Sometimes students ask why their activity is not being recorded. In nearly all cases, their activity IS being recorded. The main indication that activity has been recorded is a filled in icon on the activity's upper-right. The icon is originally unfilled, then when completed fills with a color (orange for Participation Activities, blue for Challenge Activities, etc.) and shows a checkmark.
We list several reasons why some students believe activity isn't being recorded.
Reporting date/time
A common reason students believe activity isn't being recorded is that the student has an older date/time selected on their reporting page, typically due to having a tab open to that page for a few days. Below, Jan 12 is selected. Only activity completed by the indicated date/time is shown:
Updating to the current date shows the more recent activity:
Assignment due date passed
Instructors can optionally create assignments with due dates. Sometimes students are viewing assignment completion, but forget that only activity recorded before the due date/time is shown. Note: Our system continues to record student activity even after a due date, so if an instructor changes the due date, or runs a report with a different date/time, the activity up to that new date will then be included.
Weak internet (very rare)
On a few rare instances, students indeed did not get their activity recorded, due to weak internet. Our pages are intentionally engineered to keep students learning even with weak internet, as we realize many students must work in weak or intermittent internet situations. The page continues to let students watch animations, and answer questions with correctness feedback, even if internet is weak or lost after loading a page. In such cases, spinning circles indicate the activity has yet to be received by our database:
The page continues to try to send the activity data to our database, and will do so when internet connects again. However, if the user leaves the page with those spinning circles, before checkmarks appear, then the activity indeed may not get recorded. This is extremely rare. However, students seeing spinning circles should not leave the page until re-establishing internet and then seeing checkmarks.
Wrong account
Some students create two different zyBooks accounts, so don't see activity completion when signed into the "wrong" account. If you have multiple accounts, email to ask they be merged. A related situation occurs when a computer is shared by two people, where one person completes activities while signed into another person's zyBooks account -- oops! You can see the current zyBooks account on the upper right of a zyBooks page, and clicking there gives even more info.