- Create an account at zyBooks.com, select “I am an instructor”, and choose the zyBooks you'd like to view.
- Evaluation copies will appear in your library with access limited to Chapter 1 and the table of contents. Once your instructor status is verified by an account executive (typically 1-2 working days), you’ll have full access.
- Once your instructor status is verified, then when signed in, click “Adopt a zyBook” at the top of the page.
- Complete the online form, where you'll select the base zyBook(s) for your class zyBook, selecting from your evaluation zyBooks or from the catalog. You'll also provide info about your class. You’ll receive an automated email confirmation.
- When your zyBook is created, you’ll get an email with your unique class zyBook code, and your class zyBook will appear in your library. zyBooks are typically created weekly so may take a few days; we can rush, just let us know.
- To clone a previous class zyBook as a start for a new class zyBook, click "Adopt a zyBook" as above. Then select from one of your recent class zyBooks, which will appear in the list of available zyBooks. Note that the readopted zyBook will maintain all customizations but will be updated to the latest available version of the material.
- Once you re-adopt, the new zyBook will have a new ISBN and zyBook code
- You can view the updated instructions for your students in the "Welcome" tab of your zyBook