Note that this feature is currently being beta tested. Please direct any questions or feedback to!
The class roster view shows instructors a view of their class performance, as well as a list of the students in their course. The roster view provides data on activity completion and time spent.
To access this view, navigate to the "Reporting" tab and click the orange "View class roster" button.
By default, the roster view will display data of both metrics (completion and time spent) on chapters 1 through 3.
The bar at the top of the view can help you narrow down the data by allowing the following
- Search by name or email
- Toggle view between "chapter" and "section" view
- Display both metrics (completion and time spent) or just one
- Select the chapters you want to view
- Anonymize the data
You can also download the data as a CVS file
Additionally, you can sort the data in ascending or descending order by clicking on the column title. For example, in the screenshot below, by clicking on "Participation" under the" Time spent" data in Chapter 1, the data is sorted in descending order. This way, I can see which students are spending the most time on the participation activities in this chapter.