Unit Testing Overview
Unit Tests
The basic building blocks of unit testing are test cases — single scenarios that must be set up and checked for correctness.
We control the filename of the file run for unit tests. For instance, zyLabsUnitTest.java for the Java (zyLabs) test environment. If you have your own test file, you can paste the test content into our file and change any necessary details like class names. Alternatively, you can upload your file and have zyLabsUnitTest.java instantiate an instance of the class that performs the unit test, in this case, the unique_filename class.
Other languages may allow you to simply upload your file and delete the content of ours to operate properly. Files you upload will be in same location as our test file.
Python 3
The default Python test for ZMLs and Instructor Created Content is our Python 3 (zyLabs) test. The boilerplate example is below, with all comments removed to show that example working.
from main import add
def test_passed(test_feedback):
value1 = 4
value2 = 2
expected_result = value1 + value2
student_result = add(4, 2)
if student_result == expected_result:
return True
test_feedback.write("add(" + str(value1) + ", " + str(value2) + ") incorrectly returned " + str(student_result))
return False
At the top of the test, import any specific module or functions expected in the student's submission. In this example, the add function is included. The sample test interacts with the student's code, providing values and checking for the correct sum.
The main body of test_passed
should contain the test logic and a clear True
and False
return. That will allow test_feedback.write()
method to give actionable feedback. This feedback is optional, but useful to indicate how a student might improve their code. Alternatively, use the feedback section below the body of the test if you prefer to write feedback there, or want to use that section's more complex feedback options.
Python 3 unittest
Also included for the Python test bench, is the Python 3 unittest. The simplest TestCase subclass will simply implement a test method (i.e. a method whose name starts with test) in order to perform specific testing code:
def test_default_case(self):
# Your test case logic here (replace the example assertion below)
# You may also rename this to any function in the form of 'test_your_test_name(self):'
Note that in order to test something, we use one of the assert*() methods provided by the TestCase base class. If the test fails, an exception will be raised with an explanatory message, and unittest will identify the test case as a failure. Any other exceptions will be treated as errors.
Tests can be numerous, and their set-up can be repetitive. Luckily, we can factor out set-up code by implementing a method called setUp(), which the testing framework will automatically call for every single test we run:
def setUp(self):
# Setup code here (if required, replace the 'pass')
Similarly, we can provide a tearDown() method that tidies up after the test method has been run:
def tearDown(self):
# Teardown code here (if required, replace the 'pass')
If setUp() succeeded, tearDown() will be run whether the test method succeeded or not.
Assertion methods
Here are various assertion methods that can be used when building a Python unit test. Full documentation for Python 3 Unittest - https://docs.python.org/3/library/unittest.html
assertEqual(first, second) |
Test that first and second are equal. If the values do not compare equal, the test will fail. |
assertNotEqual(first, second) |
Test that first and second are not equal. If the values do compare equal, the test will fail. |
assertAlmostEqual(first, second, delta=none) |
Test that first and second are approximately equal within a positive delta. |
assertListEqual(first, second) |
Tests that two lists are equal. |
assertTupleEqual(first, second) |
Tests that two tuples are equal. |
assertDictEqual(first, second) |
Test that two dictionaries are equal. |
assertCountEqual(first, second) |
Test that first and second have the same elements in the same number, regardless of their order. |
assertGreater(first, second) |
Test first > second |
assertGreaterEqual(first, second) |
Test first >= second |
assertLess(first, second) |
Test first < second |
assertLessEqual(first, second) |
Test first <= second |
assertIs(first, second) |
Test that first and second are the same object. |
assertIn(member, container) |
Test that member is in container. |
assertTrue(condition) |
Test that condition is true. |
assertFalse(condition) |
Test that condition is false. |
Why use assertListEqual() instead of just assertEqual()? Well, they are designed to show the difference between the two values on failure. Learners will receive more accurate feedback when the proper assertion is used.
Feedback can be added to assertion failures to alert learners what they might have done wrong. To do so, just simply add an additional argument as a string containing the message to display.
assertEqual(learner_output, real_output, "Looks like your code is not outputing the proper value.")
Click here for more info on skipping test and expected failures.
Java Tests
Here are some JUnit examples using similar setups as those above.
@Test public void testDefaultCase() {
// You may rename this method to better suit the purpose of your test case
// Your test case logic here
@Before public void setUp() {
// Setup code here (if required)
@After public void tearDown() {
// Teardown code here (if required)
Full documentation for Junit4 - https://junit.org/junit4/javadoc/4.12/org/junit/Assert.html
Method |
Description |
assertEquals(expected, actual) |
Test that two values are equal. |
assertEquals(expected, actual, delta) - for doubles |
Test that two doubles are equal to within a positive delta. |
assertArrayEquals(expecteds, actuals) |
Test that two arrays are equal. |
assertNotNull(object) |
Test that an object isn't null. |
assertNull(object) |
Test that an object is null. |
assertNotSame(unexpected, actual) |
Test that two objects do not refer to the same object. |
assertSame(unexpected, actual) |
Test that two objects refer to the same object. |
assertTrue(condition) |
Test that a condition is true. |
assertFalse(condition) |
Test that a condition is false. |
Add feedback to assertion failures to alert learners what they might have done wrong. Simply add a string containing the message to display as the first argument in the method call.
assertEquals("Looks like your code is not outputing the proper value.", realOutput, learnerOutput)
Creating Python Unit Tests
Check Variable Values
Simple Variable Value
To check a variable value you need to import the learner's code and use dot notation to get the value.
For example, maybe you ask learners to assign a variable named num1 the value of 5.
Learner Code:
Filename: example.py
num1 = 5
Grading Tests:
import unittest
class CodingRoomsUnitTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_default_case(self):
import example
self.assertTrue(example.num1 == 5)
Number of items in a list
You can do anything you need to with a learner's variable value. For example, we can see if a learner created a list with at least 3 items using the len()
Learner Code:
Filename: example.py
my_list = ["first thing", "second thing", "third thing"]
Grading Tests:
import unittest class CodingRoomsUnitTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_default_case(self): import example self.assertTrue( len(example.my_list) >= 3 )
Output Tests
This is an example of how you can test the output stream of learner code.
This test makes sure the learner's code prints "Hello World". It assumes the learner's file name is example.py. Replace the import with whatever your learner's file name is.
This code converts the output to all lowercase and removes spaces to compare against the correct value.
Grading Tests:
import unittest import sys, io stdout = sys.stdout class CodingRoomsUnitTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): global stdout stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = io.StringIO() def tearDown(self): global stdout sys.stdout = stdout def test_default_case(self): import example output = sys.stdout.getvalue().strip("\n") answer = "Hello World".casefold().replace(" ", "") learner = output.casefold().replace(" ", "") self.assertEqual(answer, learner)
Sample Solution:
Filename: example.py
print("Hello World")
Input / Output Unit Tests
This is an example of how you can mock input values and test the output stream of learner code.
The learner must use the input()
function to prompt the user for their first name, then again for their last name. Then, print Hello, firstname lastname!
including the person's first and last name.
Sample Run:
Filename: example.py
What is your first name? Jane
What is your last name? Doe
Hello, Jane Doe!
This code converts the output to all lowercase and removes spaces to compare against the correct value. Replace the import with whatever your learner's file name is.
import unittest import sys, io import importlib stdout = sys.stdout stdin = sys.stdin learner_code = "" class CodingRoomsUnitTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): global stdout global stdin stdout = sys.stdout stdin = sys.stdin def tearDown(self): global stdout global stdin sys.stdin = stdin sys.stdout = stdout def test_case_1(self): global learner_code sys.stdout = io.StringIO() sys.stdin = io.StringIO("Jane\nDoe") learner_code = importlib.import_module('example') output = sys.stdout.getvalue().strip("\n") self.assertTrue(output.casefold().replace(" ", "").endswith("Hello, Jane Doe!".casefold().replace(" ", ""))) def test_case_2(self): global learner_code sys.stdout = io.StringIO() sys.stdin = io.StringIO("Joe\nMazzone") importlib.reload(learner_code) output = sys.stdout.getvalue().strip("\n") self.assertTrue(output.casefold().replace(" ", "").endswith("Hello, Joe Mazzone!".casefold().replace(" ", "")))
The io.StringIO()
for stdin replaces the program’s input stream. Each input must be separated by a newline character -\n.
You will also notice that the assertion doesn't compare the output directly with what is expected. Instead, it sees if the output stream .endswith()
the expected output.
This is because the input() function's prompt is included in the output stream, so we only want to check the last thing printed. If you want to include the prompts to ensure learners properly included them, you can use assertEqual()
and compare the entire output stream
Sample Solution:
Filename: example.py
fname = input("What is your first name?")
lname = input("What is your last name?")
print("Hello, " + fname + " " + lname + "!")
Print Function Tests
This is an example of how you can test the output stream of a learner-defined function.
This test makes sure the learner's function named print_hello()
prints "Hello World". It assumes the learner's file name is example.py. Replace the import with whatever your learner's file name is.
This code converts the output to all lowercase and removes spaces to compare against the correct value.
Grading Tests:
import unittest import sys, io class CodingRoomsUnitTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_default_case(self): stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = io.StringIO() import example example.print_hello() output = sys.stdout.getvalue().strip("\n") sys.stdout = stdout answer = "Hello World".casefold().replace(" ", "") learner = output.casefold().replace(" ", "") self.assertEqual(answer, learner)
Sample Solution:
Filename: example.py
def print_hello(): print("Hello World")
Return Functions Tests
Each example assumes the learner’s file name is example#.py replacing # with the actual example number. You can call the functions by importing the learner file name of your choice.
Example 1 - Add Five
Learners write a function named add_five()
that takes an integer as a parameter and returns 5 plus the parameter value.
Grading Tests:
import unittest import sys, io class CodingRoomsUnitTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_default_case(self): import example1 self.assertEqual(10, example1.add_five(5)) self.assertEqual(5, example1.add_five(0)) self.assertEqual(11, example1.add_five(6))
Sample Solution:
Filename: example1.py
def add_five(number): number += 5 return number
Example 2 - Average
Learners write a function that takes 5 values as parameters and returns the average value of the 5 values. The function must be named average()
and it must have 5 parameters.
Example: Calling average(1, 5, 7, 4, 10)
would return 5.4
Almost Equal assertion is used with a delta value as tolerance when comparing values.
Grading Tests:
import unittest import sys, io class CodingRoomsUnitTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_default_case(self): import example2 self.assertAlmostEqual(5.4, example2.average(1, 5, 7, 4, 10), delta=0.001) self.assertAlmostEqual(9.6, example2.average(5, 9, 24, 6, 4), delta=0.001)
Sample Solution:
Filename: example2.py
def average(a, b, c, d, e): sum = a + b + c + d + e return sum / 5
Example 3 - Repeats
Learners write a function that takes a parameter. If the String parameter has a double letter (i.e. contains the same letter twice in a row) then it should return true. Otherwise, it should return false.
This function must be named has_repeat()
and have a parameter. This function must return a boolean.
Grading Tests:
import unittest import sys, io class CodingRoomsUnitTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_default_case(self): import example3 self.assertTrue(example3.has_repeat("mississippi")) self.assertFalse(example3.has_repeat("capsized")) self.assertTrue(example3.has_repeat("mazzone")) self.assertFalse(example3.has_repeat("this"))
Sample Solution:
Filename: example3.py
def has_repeat(word): count = 0 for letter in word: if letter == word[count-1]: return True count += 1 return False
Random Numbers Tests
Testing code that includes random numbers can be hard. Luckily, the random module comes with the seed() function.
The seed()
function allows you to initialize the random number generator with a specific value , which forces it to produce the same values each time.
Example 1 - Learner Function
In this example, learners are supposed to create a function named make_random_numbers() which returns a list of 10 random numbers between 20 and 99 inclusive.
Grading Tests:
import unittest import random class CodingRoomsUnitTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_case1(self): import example random.seed(10) self.assertListEqual([93, 24, 74, 81, 93, 21, 46, 79, 82, 55], example.make_random_numbers()) def test_case2(self): import example random.seed(55) self.assertListEqual([31, 45, 39, 58, 30, 43, 58, 31, 65, 80], example.make_random_numbers() ) def test_case3(self): import example random.seed(2) self.assertListEqual([27, 31, 30, 66, 41, 59, 52, 97, 47, 97], example.make_random_numbers())
Notice that random.seed()
is called, setting the randomly generated numbers to predetermined values, before you check if the functions return value equals the expected value.
Sample Solution:
Filename: example.py
import random def make_random_numbers(): numbers_list = [] for num in range(10): numbers_list.append(random.randint(20,99)) return numbers_list
Example 2 - Random Seed for random.randint()
Even better, we can randomly generate the seed and make the test random each time!
This example expects the learner to use the randint()
function to generate and print a random number between 0 and 500.
Grading Tests:
import unittest import sys, io import random stdout = sys.stdout class CodingRoomsUnitTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): global stdout stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = io.StringIO() def tearDown(self): global stdout sys.stdout = stdout def test_default_case(self): s = random.randint(1, 55) random.seed(s) import example output = sys.stdout.getvalue() random.seed(s) num = random.randint(0, 500) answer = str(num) learner = output self.assertEqual(answer, learner)
Sample Solution:
Filename: example.py
import random random_num = random.randint(0,500) print(random_num)
Example 3 - Random Seed for random.choice()
Here is another where the learner needed to print a random item from a list they created named learner_list.
Grading Tests:
import unittest import sys, io import random stdout = sys.stdout class CodingRoomsUnitTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): global stdout stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = io.StringIO() def tearDown(self): global stdout sys.stdout = stdout def test_default_case(self): s = random.randint(1, 55) random.seed(s) import example output = sys.stdout.getvalue().strip("\n") learner = output random.seed(s) answer = random.choice(example.learner_list) self.assertEqual(answer, learner)/pre>
Sample Solution
Filename: example.py
import random learner_list = ["first thing", "second thing", "third thing", "fourth thing"] random_thing = random.choice(learner_list) print(random_thing)
Parse Learner Code
check if learner used _______ in their code.
Often you just want to make sure learners successfully use a particular function/command/structure. The simplest way I have found to do this is just to parse the learner's code file and make sure what you are looking for is there.
Example 1 - Used __ function __ times
For example, maybe you want to make sure the learner used the input function 4 times. We can parse the learner's code file and count how many times "input(" is present in their code.
This test assumes the learner's file name is example.py.
Grading Test:
import unittest count = 0 class CodingRoomsUnitTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_default_case(self): global count f = open("example.py", "r") lines = f.readlines() f.close() for line in lines: line = line.strip().split() for words in line: if words.find("input(") != -1: count += 1 self.assertTrue(count == 4)
Notice that the test asserts that the count is equal to 4. Of course, you can change this condition to anything you want. For example, if you want to make sure they have at least 1 input()
you could use count >= 1
Sample Solution:
Filename: example.py
name = input("What is your name?") age = input("What is your age?") hair = input("What color is your hair?") place = input("Where do you live?")
Example 2 - Used __ thing __ times
Sometimes if you are checking for a specific character/symbol it is better to use the .count()
method so you do not miss an instance of the character/symbol.
This example checks that the learner used the + addition at least 2 times.
Grading Test:
import unittest count = 0 class CodingRoomsUnitTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_default_case(self): global count f = open("example.py", "r") lines = f.readlines() f.close() for line in lines: line = line.strip().split() for words in line: if words.find("+") != -1: count += words.count("+") self.assertTrue(count >= 2)
Example 3 - Used __ function with these exact arguments
Since spaces can be used between arguments, to check if a function is called with exact arguments, you want to check each line of the learner's code and remove all spaces. Then find the function call you are looking for.
This example checks that there is at least 1 call of randint(501,1000
) in the learner's code.
Grading Test:
import unittest count = 0 class CodingRoomsUnitTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_default_case(self): global count f = open("example.py", "r") lines = f.readlines() f.close() for line in lines: line = line.strip().replace(" ", "") if line.find("randint(501,1000)") != -1: count += 1 self.assertTrue(count >= 1)
Creating Java Unit Tests
Check Variable Values
Checking variable values can be a bit tricky in Java. For example, it can be hard to check the following variable values.
class Example { public static void main(String[] args) { String firstName = "Bob"; String lastName = "Jones"; System.out.println(firstName); System.out.println(lastName); } }
This is because firstName
and lastName
are local to the main()
method and created when it is executed and destroyed when it is done.
We can prevent this by declaring these variables as static outside the main()
class Example { static String firstName; static String lastName; public static void main(String[] args) { firstName = "Bob"; lastName = "Jones"; System.out.println(firstName); System.out.println(lastName); } }
We typically do not teach learners to declare variables this way (most curriculums do not) so you may need to tweak your curriculum to auto-grade early assignments that teacher variable assignment and console output.
The grading test involves calling the main method (where you expect the variables to be assigned values and checking that each variable equals the expected value.
import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class CodingRoomsUnitTests { @Test public void testDefaultCase() { Example.main(null); assertEquals(Example.firstName, "Bob"); assertEquals(Example.lastName, "Jones"); } }
Output Tests
This is an example of how you can test the output stream of learner code.
This test makes sure the learner's code prints "Hello World"
. It assumes the learner's file name is Example.java
. Replace the Example.main(null)
call with whatever you learner's file name is.
This code converts the output to all lowercase and removes spaces to compare against the correct value.
Grading Tests:
import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import java.io.*; public class CodingRoomsUnitTests { private final PrintStream standardOut = System.out; private final ByteArrayOutputStream outputStreamCaptor = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); @Before public void setUp() { System.setOut(new PrintStream(outputStreamCaptor)); } @After public void tearDown() { System.setOut(standardOut); } @Test public void testDefaultCase() { Example.main(null); assertEquals("Hello World".toLowerCase().trim().replace(" ", ""), outputStreamCaptor.toString().toLowerCase().trim().replace(" ", "")); } }
Sample Solution:
example.java public class Example { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World"); } }
Input / Output Tests
This is an example of how you can mock input values and test the output stream of learner code.
The learner must use the Scanner's
function to prompt the user for their first name, the again for their last name. Then, print Hello, firstname lastname!
including the person's first and last name.
Sample Run:
What is your first name? Jane What is your last name? Doe Hello, Jane Doe!
It assumes the learner's file name is Example.java. This can be easily replaced with whatever your learner's file name is. This code converts the output to all lowercase and removes spaces to compare against the correct value.
Grading Tests:
import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import java.io.*; public class CodingRoomsUnitTests { private final PrintStream standardOut = System.out; private final ByteArrayOutputStream outputStreamCaptor = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); @Before public void setUp() { System.setOut(new PrintStream(outputStreamCaptor)); } @After public void tearDown() { System.setOut(standardOut); } @Test public void testCase1() { String input = "Joe\nMazzone"; InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(input.getBytes()); System.setIn(in); Example.main(null); assertTrue(outputStreamCaptor.toString().toLowerCase().trim().replace(" ", "").endsWith("Hello Joe Mazzone!".toLowerCase().trim().replace(" ", ""))); } @Test public void testCase2() { String input = "Clark\nKent"; InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(input.getBytes()); System.setIn(in); Example.main(null); assertTrue(outputStreamCaptor.toString().toLowerCase().trim().replace(" ", "").endsWith("Hello Clark Kent!".toLowerCase().trim().replace(" ", ""))); } @Test public void testCase3() { String input = "Bruce\nWayne"; InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(input.getBytes()); System.setIn(in); Example.main(null); assertTrue(outputStreamCaptor.toString().toLowerCase().trim().replace(" ", "").endsWith("Hello Bruce Wayne!".toLowerCase().trim().replace(" ", ""))); } }
The input String replaces the programs input stream. Each input must be separated by a newline character -\n.
You will also notice that the assertion doesn't compare the output directly with what is expected. Instead it sees if the output stream .endsWith()
the expected output. This is because the we print other values as prompts for the Scanner input, so we only want to check the last thing printed.
If you want to include the prompts to ensure learners properly included them, you can use assertEqual()
and and compare the entire output stream.
Sample Solution:
Example.java import java.util.Scanner; public class Example { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("What is your first name?"); String fName = scan.nextLine(); System.out.println("What is your last name?"); String lName = scan.nextLine(); System.out.println("Hello, " + fName + " " + lName + "!"); } }
Return Method Tests
Each example assumes the learner’s file name is Example#.java
replacing # with the actual example number. You can call the methods based on the learner filename of your choice.
Example 1 - Add Five
Learners write an int
method named addFive(int number)
that takes an integer as a parameter and returns an int
equal to 5 plus the parameter value.
Grading Tests:
import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class CodingRoomsUnitTests { @Test public void testDefaultCase() { // You may rename this method to better suit the purpose of your test case // Your test case logic here assertEquals(10, Example1.addFive(5)); assertEquals(5, Example1.addFive(0)); assertEquals(11, Example1.addFive(6)); } }
Sample Solution:
Example1.java public class Example1 { public static int addFive(int number) { number += 5; return number; } }
Example 2 - Average
Learners write a method that takes 5 int
values as parameters and returns the average value of the 5 ints as a double
. The method must be named average()
and it must have 5 int
parameters. The method must return a double.
Calling average(1, 5, 7, 4, 10)
would return 5.4.
Assertions with doubles must have delta value (tolerance when comparing values).
Grading Tests:
import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class CodingRoomsUnitTests { @Test public void testDefaultCase() { // You may rename this method to better suit the purpose of your test case // Your test case logic here assertEquals(5.4, Example2.average(1, 5, 7, 4, 10), 0.001); assertEquals(9.6, Example2.average(5, 9, 24, 6, 4), 0.001); } }
Sample Solution:
Example2.java public class Example2 { public static double average(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e) { //Calculate sum of 5 numbers int s = a + b + c + d + e; //cast s to double and divide by 5 return (double) s / 5; } }
Example 3 - Repeats
Learners write a method that takes a String parameter. If the String has a double letter (i.e. contains the same letter twice in a row) then it should return true. Otherwise, it should return false.
This method must be named hasRepeat(String str)
and have a String parameter. This method must return a boolean
Grading Tests:
import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class CodingRoomsUnitTests { @Test public void testDefaultCase() { // You may rename this method to better suit the purpose of your test case // Your test case logic here assertTrue(Example3.hasRepeat("mississippi")); assertFalse(Example3.hasRepeat("capsized")); assertTrue(Example3.hasRepeat("mazzone")); assertFalse(Example3.hasRepeat("this")); } }
Sample Solution:
Example3.java public class Example3 { public static boolean hasRepeat(String str) { for(int i = 0; i < str.length()-1; i++) { if(str.substring(i, i+1).equals(str.substring(i+1, i+2))) { return true; } } return false; } }
Class - .toString() and Void Method Tests
This page shows how you can do some auto-grading of classes that only have void methods (methods that do not return a value) and a .toString()
This is completed by testing the output stream produced by the methods as they are called.
In this example, the comparison is completed with all character converted to lowercase and all spaces removed. If you want a pure character for character match, remove the .toLowerCase().trim().replace(" ", "")
from the assertion.
Example 1 - Employee Class
Learners had to create an Employee class that has the following instance variables:
String employee’s name
int their 4 digit id number
double hourly salary
Then, create a constructor method that sets each instance variable to the parameter values given to the constructor call.
Also, they must create a toString()
method that prints the Employee's name, 4 digit id, and salary in the following format:
John Doe -- 4545 -- $15.67 per hour
Lastly, they must create a method called getRaise(double amount) that increases the employee's salary by the specified amount and prints “Nice you got a $” + amount + “ raise!”
For example, if we print the Employee object, call getRaise(1.0), and print the Employee object again, the following would be created.
John Doe -- 4545 -- $15.67 per hour
Nice you got a $1.0 raise!
John Doe -- 4545 -- $16.67 per hour
To auto-grade this, use the following -- you can run as many tests as your want!
First, there are two tests that ensure the .toString()
method is working properly. They create an object with the Employee class, print the object, and ensure the print stream matches the expected output (remember, this example compares the two strings as all lowercase and with spaces removed).
Second, the .getRaise()
method is tested with two different tests. The object is instantiated, .getRaise()
is called, and then the object is printed to confirm that it effected the salary field. Note that that the print stream is reset between .getRaise()
and printing the object so that each print statement can be tested asserted separately but within the same test.
Grading Tests:
import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import java.io.*; public class CodingRoomsUnitTests { private final PrintStream standardOut = System.out; private final ByteArrayOutputStream outputStreamCaptor = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); @Before public void setUp() { System.setOut(new PrintStream(outputStreamCaptor)); } @After public void tearDown() { System.setOut(standardOut); } @Test public void testToString1() { Employee e = new Employee("John Doe", 4545, 15.67); System.out.println(e); String answer = "John Doe -- 4545 -- $15.67 per hour".toLowerCase().trim().replace(" ", ""); String output = outputStreamCaptor.toString().toLowerCase().trim().replace(" ", ""); assertEquals(answer, output); } public void testToString2() { Employee e = new Employee("Bob Bobbington", 5555, 10.5); System.out.println(e); String answer = "Bob Bobbington -- 5555 -- $10.5 per hour".toLowerCase().trim().replace(" ", ""); String output = outputStreamCaptor.toString().toLowerCase().trim().replace(" ", ""); assertEquals(answer, output); } public void testGetRaise1() { Employee e = new Employee("Bob Bobbington", 5555, 10.5); e.getRaise(1); assertEquals(outputStreamCaptor.toString().toLowerCase().trim().replace(" ", ""), "Nice you got a $1.0 raise!".toLowerCase().trim().replace(" ", "")); System.setOut(standardOut); System.setOut(new PrintStream(outputStreamCaptor)); System.out.println(e); String answer = "Bob Bobbington -- 5555 -- $11.5 per hour".toLowerCase().trim().replace(" ", ""); String output = outputStreamCaptor.toString().toLowerCase().trim().replace(" ", ""); assertEquals(answer, output); } public void testGetRaise2() { Employee e = new Employee("Bob Bobbington", 5555, 10.5); e.getRaise(0.4); assertEquals(outputStreamCaptor.toString().toLowerCase().trim().replace(" ", ""), "Nice you got a $0.4 raise!".toLowerCase().trim().replace(" ", ""); System.setOut(standardOut); System.setOut(new PrintStream(outputStreamCaptor)); System.out.println(e); String answer = "Bob Bobbington -- 5555 -- $10.9 per hour".toLowerCase().trim().replace(" ", ""); String output = outputStreamCaptor.toString().toLowerCase().trim().replace(" ", ""); assertEquals(answer, output); } }
Sample Learners Solution:
public class Employee { private String name; private int id; private double salary; public Employee(String n, int i, double s) { name = n; id = i; salary = s; } public String toString() { return name + " -- " + id + " -- $" + salary + " per hour"; } public void getRaise(double amount) { salary += amount; System.out.println("Nice you got a $" + amount + " raise!"); } }
Parse Learner Code
Often you just want to make sure learners successfully used a particular function/command/structure. The simplest way I have found to do this is just parse the learner's code file and make sure what you are looking for is there.
For example, maybe you want to make sure the learner used println()
at least 2 times. We can parse the learner's code file and count how many times "System.out.println(
" is present in their code.
This test assumes the learner's file name is Example.java.
import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import java.nio.file.*; public class CodingRoomsUnitTests { @Test public void testDefaultCase() throws Exception { int count = 0; String learner_code = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("Example.java"))); String[] words = learner_code.split(" "); for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { if (words[i].indexOf("System.out.println(") >= 0) { count++; } } assertTrue(count >= 2); } }
HTML/CSS Unit Tests
Autograding of HTML or CSS only works in the “HTML/CSS/JS“ language option.
Qunit with Puppeteer is the default unit testing framework for this language option. The addition of puppeteer allows headless operation and more complex tests.
This JavaScript framework can test HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. The tests can check the functionality of your web applications and verify the presence of certain HTML elements, check user interactions like button clicks or form submissions, and check specific CSS classes or attributes are applied.
You can learn more about it here: https://qunitjs.com/intro/
Another library we use to check the HTML or CSS code is a Python library named htmlcssgrade
. The Unit Testing Framework would need to be changed from Qunit to “Python 3 unittest“.
Use the following as a starter template for your tests.
import unittest import htmlcssgrade class CodingRoomsUnitTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_check_html(self): learner_html = htmlcssgrade.HTML_Check("index.html") self.assertTrue() def test_check_css(self): learner_css = htmlcssgrade.CSS_Check("style.css") self.assertTrue()
Be sure to modify the template so the HTML_Check()
and CSS_Check
point to the file you want to check. In the example above HTML_check( ) points to index.html
and CSS_Check points to style.css
Inside the self.assertTrue()
statements you can call any htmlcssgrade
checks you want. You can have a sequence of assertTrue()
statements to check as many parts of the learner’s file(s) you want.
Example Unit Test
The following example checks a learner HTML file located at the project root and named index.html
has an <img>
tag with its src
set to img/hello/png
. It also checks that the learner’s file has at least 4 <h2>
tags and that the learner has a <title>
tag with “Super Awesome Title“ as its content.
Another test checks a learner’s CSS file located in the css
directory and named style.css
has a rule for <body>
that declares background-color
is set to #F06543
. It also checks that the learner’s file has at least 12 different selector rulesets and that the <p>
tag has a ruleset.
import unittest import htmlcssgrade class CodingRoomsUnitTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_check_html(self): learner_html = htmlcssgrade.HTML_Check("index.html") self.assertTrue(learner_html.check_elements_attribute("img", "src", "img/hello.png")) self.assertTrue(learner_html.check_num_element_used("h2", 4)) self.assertTrue(learner_html.check_element_content_exact("title", "Super Awesome Title")) def test_check_css(self): learner_css = htmlcssgrade.CSS_Check("css/style.css") self.assertTrue(learner_css.check_declaration("body", "background-color: #F06543")) self.assertTrue(learner_css.check_num_selector_rulesets(12)) self.assertTrue(learner_css.check_selector_has_ruleset("p"))
For more options, read the docs below.
HTML/CSS Grade Library Docs
Full documentation and source can be found here.
To start using the library in your code, be sure to import it
import htmlcssgrade
HTML_Check Class
The first class that can be instantiated is used to check an HTML file with HTML_Check()
. The constructor has one argument, filepath
which is the path to the file you want to check.
learner_html = htmlcssgrade.HTML_Check("index.html")
- the path to the file you are checking. -
- the BeautifulSoup object being used. -
- text representation of the HTML file, which can be printed or parsed.
- Given a snip of HTML code, returns True if the snip is found in the learner's file.
learner_html.check_HTML('<meta charset="UTF-8"/>')
learner_html.check_HTML("<p>This is a paragraph</p>")
- Given an element, returns True if the learner used the element.
check_num_element_used(element, number)
- Given an element and number, returns True if learner's file has at least specified number of that element.
learner_html.check_num_element_used("h2", 4)
learner_html.check_num_element_used("p", 6)
- Given an element, returns the number of times the element is used in learner's file.
check_element_content(element, content)
- Given an element and content, returns True if the content is in the element (ignores capitalization, whitespace, etc).
learner_html.check_element_content("a", "Home")
learner_html.check_element_content("title", "Super Awesome Title")
check_element_content_exact(element, content)
- Given an element and content, returns True if the content is in the element character for character.
learner_html.check_element_content_exact("a", "Home")
learner_html.check_element_content_exact("title", "Super Awesome Title")
check_elements_attribute(element, attribute, value)
- Given an element, attribute, and value returns True if the element's attribute is equal to the value.
learner_html.check_elements_attribute("a", "href", "#")
learner_html.check_elements_attribute("img", "src", "img/hello.png")
check_element_has_attribute(element, attribute)
- Given an element and attribute, returns True if the element's attribute was assigned any value.
learner_html.check_element_has_attribute("img", "src")
learner_html.check_element_has_attribute("a", "href")
- Given a class name, returns a list of all elements with class set to given name.
check_element_has_class(element, class_name)
- Given an element and class name, returns True if element was assigned class with given name.
learner_html.check_element_has_class("img", "center")
learner_html.check_element_has_class("p", "center")
- Given an id name, returns the element assigned the id.
check_element_has_id(element, id_name)
- Given an element and id name, returns True if that element was assigned the id.
learner_html.check_element_has_id("div", "container")
learner_html.check_element_has_id("p", "container")
- Given a CSS filepath, returns True if HTML code uses that CSS file.
- Given a JS filepath, returns True if HTML code uses that JS file.
- No parameters. Returns css_obj of all CSS found in <style>
tags in the HTML file/text.
learner_css = learner_html.extract_style_as_CSS_obj()
CSS_Check Class
The second class that can be instantiated is used to check a CSS file with CSS_Check()
. The constructor has one argument, filepath
which is the path to the file you want to check.
learner_css = htmlcssgrade.CSS_Check("css/style.css")
- the path to the file you are checking. -
- the cssutils object being used. -
- text representation of the CSS file, which can be printed or parsed.
check_declaration(selector, declaration)
- Given a selector and a declaration, returns True if in CSS.
learner_css.check_declaration(".center", "display: block")
learner_css.check_declaration("body", "background-color: #F06543")
check_property_used(selector, property)
- Given a selector and a property name, returns True if property was given a value in CSS.
learner_css.check_property_used("body", "background-color")
learner_css.check_property_used("body", "font-style")
check_selector_rule(selector, property, value)
- Given a selector, property, and property value, returns True if the property is set to that value.
learner_css.check_selector_rule("body", "background-color", "#F06543")
learner_css.check_selector_rule("p", "font-style", "16pt")
- Given a selector, returns True if selector has a ruleset.
- Given a selector, returns the ruleset text.
get_property_value(selector, property)
- Given a selector and property, returns the property's value.
learner_css.get_property_value("body", "background-color")
learner_css.get_property_value("p", "font-style")
check_num_selector_declarations(selector, number)
- Given a selector and a number, returns True if selector has at least specified number of declarations.
learner_css.check_num_selector_declarations("body", 3)
learner_css.check_num_selector_declarations("nav ul", 1)
- Given a selector and a number, returns True if selector has exact specified number of declarations.
learner_css.check_num_selector_declarations_equal("body", 3)
learner_css.check_num_selector_declarations_equal("nav ul", 1)
- Given a selector, returns the number of declarations in the ruleset.
learner_css.get_num_selector_declarations("nav ul")
- Given a number, returns True if number of selector rulesets is greater than or equal to the number.
- Given a number, returns True if number of selector rulesets is equal to the number.
- Returns the number of selector rulesets in CSS file.
- Given a number, returns True if number of declarations in CSS file is greater than or equal to the number.
- Given a number, returns True if number of declarations in CSS file is equal to the number.
- Returns the number of declarations in CSS file.
JavaScript Unit Tests
In Advanced zyLabs, you can use Jest, Jasmine, and Qunit as frameworks for autograding.
Jest - https://jestjs.io/
Jasmine - https://jasmine.github.io/
Qunit - https://api.qunitjs.com/
Qunit + Pupeteer - https://github.com/ameshkov/node-qunit-puppeteer
Below, are instructions for getting started with these test types in the JavaScript (Node.js)
Jest with JavaScript (Node.js)
Imagine you have learners write a function named myFunction()
which accepts 2 arguments and returns argument 1 times argument 2. It might look something like this.
function myFunction(p1, p2) { return p1 * p2; } console.log(myFunction(2, 2));
You can easily test this function with Jest. For example, we can use the .toEqual
matcher to see if the learner’s function returns the expected value.
const submission = require('./index.js'); test('testing learner myFunction() which takes 2 arguments and returns the product', () => { expect(submission.myFunction(2, 2)).toEqual(4); expect(submission.myFunction(5, 2)).toEqual(10); expect(submission.myFunction(100, 1)).toEqual(100); });
Jest has a number of matchers, which can be found here: https://jestjs.io/docs/using-matchers
Now, in order for your test to use the learner’s function, you need to export it. So your learner’s JS file must have module.exports
at the end.
For example:
function myFunction(p1, p2) { return p1 * p2; } console.log(myFunction(2, 2)); module.exports = { myFunction };
Jest with HTML/CSS/JS
You can do the same with Jest on HTML/CSS/JS. Just with one small difference when exporting modules.
Here is an example website you might want to test where a learner develops a function to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src="index.js"></script>
<h2>JavaScript Functions</h2>
<p>This example calls a function to convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius:</p>
<form onsubmit="toCelsius(tempBox.value); return false">
<label for="tempBox">Temp in F:</label>
<input type="text" name="tempBox" id="tempBox" />
<input type="submit" />
<p id="result"></p>
function toCelsius(f) { temp = (5/9) * (f-32); document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = f + "°F is equal to " + temp + "°C"; return temp }
The Jest test is easy, we set up our matchers and test that the learner function works as expected.
const toCelsius = require('./index.js'); test('testing learner toCelsius() which takes a temp in F and returns C', () => { expect(toCelsius(100)).toEqual(37.77777777777778); expect(toCelsius(20)).toEqual(-6.666666666666667); expect(toCelsius(0)).toEqual(-17.77777777777778); });
Now, in order for your test to use the learner’s function, you need to export it. So your learner’s JS file must have module.exports
at the end. This might cause errors on your webpage as it is only needed for the server-side tests, so use a try-catch statement like the following.
function toCelsius(f) { temp = (5/9) * (f-32); document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = f + "°F is equal to " + temp + "°C"; return temp } try { module.exports = toCelsius; } catch (err) { console.log('toCelsius not loaded: ' + err); }
Of course, you can add as many test cases as you want to test the learner’s code!
Here is an example checking that toCelsius
is a function:
const toCelsius = require('./index.js'); test('testing learner toCelsius() to ensure it is a function.', () => { expect(typeof toCelsius).toEqual('function'); });
Qunit with JavaScript (Node.js)
Qunit uses assertions to check whether a certain condition is true, such as assert.equal
, assert.ok
, assert.strictEqual
, etc.
Every Qunit test includes a comment at the top to set the configuration. The default is // TYPE = module which uses the ES6 module syntax and is widely supported for modern web development. It provides clean syntax that can be written both server-side and client-side.
In the example below, we're using the configuration // TYPE = commonjs which provides a modular system for organizing code into separate files and uses require
to import functionality from one file into another. It's also dynamically loaded and allows circular dependencies.
// TYPE = commonjs
const printSum = require('./index.js');
QUnit.test('Test with two numbers', function(assert) {
let actualOutput = '';
console.log = function(output) { actualOutput += `${output}`; };
const num1 = [4, 6, 10, 2.5];
const num2 = [2, 5.7, 4, 19];
for (let i = 0; i < num1.length; i++) {
const x = num1[i];
const y = num2[i];
const expectedOutput = `Sum is ${x + y}.`;
printSum(x, y);
assert.equal(actualOutput, expectedOutput, `Test printSum("${x}", "${y}")`);
actualOutput = '';
This test verifies the printSum
function produces the correct output when given pairs of numbers as input. The QUnit assertions check if the actual output matches the expected output.
The AMD module can be used for asynchronous loading of modules, UMD for compatibility with CommonJS/AMD/global exports, etc.
Qunit + Puppeteer with HTML/CSS/JS
QUnit with Puppeteer provides automated tests in a headless browser environment. Web applications can be tested for simulated interaction in a realistic browser context.
// Set unit test configuration by changing the value in comment:
// SOURCE_FILE = index.html
QUnit.test('Test form tag', function(assert) {
let form = document.querySelector('form');
assert.ok(form !== null, '<form> element exists');
assert.equal(form.method.toUpperCase(), 'POST', 'Form method is POST');
assert.equal(form.enctype, 'multipart/form-data', 'Form enctype is multipart/form-data');
assert.equal(form.action, 'https://wp.zybooks.com/form-viewer.php', 'Form action is zybooks.com URL');
This test ensures the HTML form in theSOURCE_FILE
aligns with the form attributes asserted in the test.
R (zyLabs) Tests
R tests allow you to test workspaces in R, R Studio, and R JNB/JLB (coming soon). Input/Output tests function as expected where your input will be passed in and checked against expected output.
Unit tests use the <- in R to assign values, including functions, to variables. The test below defines two values, calculates the expected result as the sum of value1 and value2, calls the add function with those two values, and stores the result in student_result.
Then the student_result is compared with expected_result. If they match, the test returns TRUE, and passes. Otherwise, it returns FALSE, and the test is failed.
test_passed <- function(){
value1 <- 4
value2 <- 2
expected_result <- value1 + value2
student_result <- add(4, 2)
if(student_result == expected_result) {
} else {
It's not necessary to add feedback to a test, but can be helpful to ensure your students are able to correct any mistakes. Below, an else statement has been added to include expected and actual results.
test_passed <- function() {
value1 <- 4
value2 <- 2
expected_result <- value1 + value2
student_result <- add(4, 2)
if (student_result == expected_result) {
} else {
feedback <- paste("Expected", expected_result, "but got", student_result)
That will report into the "Feedback" field:
Alternatively. Adding a message line will write your feedback into the summary of the test.
writeFeedback <- function(message) {
Jupyter Notebook (Python) Tests
Advanced zyLabs allow Jupyter Notebook autograding by converting the notebook to a Python script. We do this using Jupyter’s nbconvert
When the IDE runs a test on Jupyter Notebook, it automatically tries to convert your default file to a Python file and replaces any dashes (-
) in the file name with underscores (_
Example: hello-world.ipynb
would convert to hello_world.py
Advanced zyLabs only convert the default file. You would need to convert any additional notebook files you need to test. See below for more details.
Errors may occur if your default file is not a valid Jupyter Notebook file.
Input/Output Comparison
Because the Notebook is converted to a Python script, an input/output comparison can be used with Jupyter Notebook.
For example, learners write something like this in Jupyter Notebook:
Their code can be tested with an input/output comparison like this:
For more information about input/output comparison tests, see the Test Bench section here.
Unit Test
Unit tests can be used in a similar way since Coding Rooms autograder converts your notebook to a Python file. Learn more about Python unit tests here.
Imagine you have learners write a function named add_five()
that takes an integer as a parameter and returns 5 plus the parameter value. It might look like this in their notebook.
We can write a unit test case to check that the learner’s solution is correct.
import unittest class CodingRoomsUnitTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_default_case(self): import return_function self.assertEqual(10, return_function.add_five(5)) self.assertEqual(5, return_function.add_five(0)) self.assertEqual(11, return_function.add_five(6))
In the example above we assume the notebook’s name is return-function.ipynb
. Which means Coding Rooms converted the file to return_function.py
and line 6 in the above code is import return_function
because that is the learner’s Python file name.
When testing a notebook that is not the IDE’s default file, convert the notebook in the unit test.
Convert notebooks with unit test script with just a few lines of Python code.
First, import the os
import os
Then, convert the notebook to a python
os.system("jupyter nbconvert --to script return-function.ipynb 2>/usercode/convertError")
The conversion has an output that goes into stderr and will fail the test if not directed to a file like 2>/usercode/convertError
. If the test is not working properly, you may want to remove 2>/usercode/convertError
to see if the conversion is not properly working.
Lastly, rename the file if it contains dashes, as Python does not allow dashes in module import names.
os.system("mv return-function.py return_function.py")
Do not rename the file to the same name as mv
will throw an error. Omit this step if the file does not need to be renamed.
For example, if the above unit test needed its notebook converted, it would look like this:
import unittest import os os.system("jupyter nbconvert --to script return-function.ipynb 2>/usercode/convertError") os.system("mv return-function.py return_function.py") class CodingRoomsUnitTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_default_case(self): import return_function self.assertEqual(10, return_function.add_five(5)) self.assertEqual(5, return_function.add_five(0)) self.assertEqual(11, return_function.add_five(6))
Custom Bash Script Test
Custom bash script tests can also be used to test the notebook.
Including being able to write your own jupyter nbconvert --to script
commands, run Python unit tests, and and more.