Instructor created advanced zyLabs can be restricted so students can only view the labs in that section within a certain time window, for a certain amount of time, or with a passcode. After creating a section, click "Show" to open the controls.
Several options for restricting access are available.
Duration Limits
Duration limits allow a set time frame to complete work. Different time frames can be given to different learners. For instance, an accommodation could be made for a specific learner to provide them with more time, or a section of beginners could be allowed more time.
A prompt will let the learner know they have limited time before starting the zyLab.
It will also display when the page will close.
And a warning will countdown for the last minute of access, even if a learner is working in a new tab.
The section will then lock down.
Passcodes can be set to ensure access to content is limited to only those with the passcode. A different passcode could be set for each section, or one passcode for the entire class.
Passcodes can even be provided for individual learners.
On the learner's end, they will be presented with a box to enter their passcode and unlock the content.
Availability windows
Availability windows allow content to be accessible starting on a specific date and time and until a specific date and time. Select different windows for different learners as needed.
The page will be accessible when the "from" date is reached.
Once that date is reached the page will load normally. Similar to the duration limit, the page will indicate when the page will close and the content will become locked at that time.
Any of these access controls can be used simultaneously, but some override others. For instance, a duration limit will override an availability window's "until" time. The page will become inaccessible if the duration limit is passed but the window is still open. That also means the full 10 minutes of a duration limit will be granted when a learner opens the page with the "until" window expiring in two minutes.