The zyLabs test bench includes both autograding and manual tests to provide a comprehensive evaluation of submissions. Manual tests can assess elements difficult to verify by automation. Instructors could provide additional points for student's clarity and brevity, or adherence to best practices. Manual deductions can be used for instances when learners are not following course-established guidelines, like avoiding the use of certain packages, or lack of documentation.
To add a manual score/deduction, click Add Test Case.
Then, select either from the dropdown.
Manual Score
Manual score values are included in the total points available for a workspace.
Manual Deduction
Use manual deductions to deduct points from the total point value of the workspace.
To manual grade learners, open the Student or Group activity card.
Then, click a learner to open their workspace.
After opening a learner, you can find the manual scoring under their workspace. An update is coming soon to display the description for manual tests just below the name of the test.
Enter a score in the field, and leave a comment if you would like. Note the - sign in front of the field for manual deductions indicating how much will be subtracted from the total score. These scores are updated live, and you will see an indication that changes are saved just below the manual scores. If this is an assignment connected to your LMS, these changes will be sent to that LMS as manual score updates.
Learners viewing their scores before you've entered manual scores/deductions, will see "your instructor hasn't graded this test yet."
After entering manual scoring, they will see their updated score along with any additional comments. They'll need to refresh the page if the score was updated while they had the page open.
Combine automated and manual tests for a thorough assessment of student's work.