To copy a zyLab, first select "Add a zyLab" in the table of contents:
Doing so will provide an option to copy an existing Classic or Advanced zyLab:
A list of existing zyLabs will be available, from the current zyBook and any other zyBooks in your library with zyLabs. Collapse the open book to see any others.
Select more than one lab to copy.
For an Advanced lab, a dropdown menu will be available to switch between zyBooks.
Upon clicking "Copy selected zyLabs", or the + button for advanced labs, a copy will be created in the zyBook. You can then edit those labs, or move them using the zyBook's configuration capability.
You can also create a your own section and add an advanced zyLab using the "Import" button in the bottom left of the menu.
Additionally, go to a specific lab and click the "Clone" button to clone the lab.
Please note: At this time, you cannot clone a lab that is currently in Unused. You would need to move the lab out of Unused first.