The zyBook content explorer helps you to quickly search for and find key terms and activities in your zyBook. To maximize the usefulness of search results, the content explorer does not search the full text of the zyBook. Rather, it searches:
- Section titles
- Captions of figures, tables, participation activities (animations, question sets, etc.), challenge activities, and a few other key items.
- Terms and their definitions.
Where to find the content explorer
You can find the content explorer in three places. The first spot is to click the "Content explorer" button on the home page.
The second is to type directly in the "Search zyBook" bar and click the orange search button.
The third is at the top of the table of contents menu on the left, which is visible when you are in the content. (Note: This sidebar can be hidden and revealed using the three bar hamburger button.)
Once you have entered the content explorer, you can type search words into the search bar at the top of the page. If you came from the search bar on the home page, you should automatically be taken to the search results for whatever you searched for.
The search results are exposed on a (reduced) table of contents. We believe that approach helps you best understand the relevance and context of the results.
Clicking on any of the search result items takes you directly to that item's place in a section.
If you wish to narrow the search results, use the "Show filters" button to see which filters are available.
For example, select the "Animations" checkbox to see which animations cover a specific topic.
Using the filters without a search keyword will show you how many of each filtered item exist.
For example, my Sample zyBook has 187 animations: