NOTE: This article is Step 1 of the main article, How to link a zyBook assignment/section/TOC to an LMS.
Blackboard has 2 versions. Use these links to skip to the version that you are using.
Blackboard (Original)
Video walkthrough
Creating a link in Blackboard (Original)
1. From your course home page, select "Content" in the left menu.
2. Hover over the "Build Content" dropdown
3. If zyBooks has been added as a placement select "zyBooks" from the Build Content menu.
Otherwise, you can also select "Web Link".
4. Add the assignment name.
**If adding a web link, enter the zyBooks LTI provider URL
zyBooks LTI provider URL:
LTI 1.3:
(deprecated) LTI 1.1:
Don't forget to check the box "This link is a Tool Provider."
a.) To create a link with no grade passback, set "Enable Evaluation" to No and continue ahead to step 2, Configure the link.
b.) To create a link with grade passback, set "Enable Evaluation" to Yes and set a point value.
Note on how scores send: zyBooks sends scores as percentages, not points. Therefore the point value in Blackboard does not have to match the point value in zyBooks. Blackboard will convert the score to the correct point scale.
Common error: If the point value is left at 0, students will not be able to earn a score higher than 0 because any percentage of 0 is 0.
Note on due dates: zyBooks and Blackboard do NOT communicate due date information with each other. The due date set in BB is the last day BB will accept grades. The due date set in zyBooks is the last date that zyBooks will send the grade. If changes need to be made to the due date, they should be made in both BB and zyBook.
5. Click "Submit" at the bottom to complete the link creation.
6. Skip ahead to step 2, Configure the link to a zyBook assignment.
Creating a link in Blackboard (Ultra)
There are currently 2 ways to create LTI links in Ultra. Both methods work, but we recommend the first as it is more straightforward.
Create content item using "Teaching tools with LTI connection".
1. Navigate to the "Content" tab and click the circled "+" button at the top of "Course Content".
2. From the options provided, select "Create".
3. On the right panel that appears, select "Teaching tools with LTI connection".
4. Update the link title.
5. Enter the Configuration URL
zyBooks Configuration URL:
LTI 1.3:
(deprecated) LTI 1.1:
We also recommend checking "Open in a new window" for the best viewing experience.
6. Check "Create gradebook entry for this item".
Here, you can also adjust the Blackboard due date and the points in the Blackboard gradebook.
7. Click "Save" when done.
8. Skip ahead to step 2, Configure the link to a zyBook assignment.
Alternative steps using the "Content Market"
1. Navigate to the "Content" tab and click the circled "+" button at the top of "Course Content".
2. From the options provided, select "Content Market".
3. The content market will open above the page. Find "zyBooks" in the list and hover over the "+" button in the lower corner.
Common error: A common mistake is to click on "zyBooks" or the zyBooks card itself, instead of the "+" sign. Be sure to click on the "+" sign button.
This will add a zyBooks item to the course content.
4. It is very important to EDIT the LMS settings for the placement link BEFORE connecting it to a zyBook assignment! Otherwise, grades will not pass back.
To do so, click the three dots (...) to the right of the newly created zyBook placement link, it is usually named "zyBooks." Again do not click the link yet!
5. The following Blackboard Ultra properties will open.
- Change the placement link name to be the new assignment name.
- Change the grade using to Points and a non-zero points value or Percentage
- Set the Due date.
6. We also recommend renaming the link before configuring it. To do so, hover over the name and click the "Pencil" icon.
7. Click the Save button to save new settings for the placement link in Blackboard Ultra.
8. Skip ahead to step 2, Configure the link to a zyBook assignment.