Before links can be created, LTI must be configured. Please reach out to your school's IT department and have an LMS admin review our guide on either, Adding zyBooks as an LTI 1.1 external tool/app or LTI 1.3 Configuration.
Linking a zyBooks assignment to an LMS is a 2 step process.
Step 1: Create a link in the LMS course.
Step 2: Configure the link to a zyBook assignment
Other notes: Instructions for students
Configure the link
1. Click on the link that was just created and needs to be configured.
Clicking an unconfigured link in an LMS will navigate to the zyBooks library in "Link to your Learning Management System" mode.
Note: Once a link has been configured to point to a zyBook assignment or section, it can not be modified to point anywhere else. If a link is configured incorrectly, the link will need to be deleted in the LMS and a new link must be created and then configured.
2. Start by selecting the zyBook that should be linked to.
Note: Links can only be created in adopted class zyBooks, we do not support linking to an evaluation zyBook. Contact an account executive for help with adopting a zyBook for a class.
3. Select which type of link you want to create.
Note: Assignment links will be able to pass grade data back to Canvas, but section links are not able to pass any grade data.
To create a link that does not pass any grade data, skip to Creating a link without grade pass back.
Creating a link with grade pass back
a.) Select "Create or link assignment".
b.) Select the assignment to link to from the Assignment list or click the blue "+ Add" button to create a new assignment.
You can review our article, How to create an assignment, if you are not sure how to create an assignment.
Note: (1) The assignment must be set to visible for the link to work properly. You can click "Show" at the bottom of an assignment to make it visible.
(2) A due date must be set to ensure that grade pass back works properly. Please be sure to set a due date for the assignment.
c.) Once you have successfully completed the linking process, you should see a confirmation.
You can click the "Return to LMS" button to return to your LMS.
Note: If using Brightspace 1.3, please return to Additional steps for Brightspace (LTI 1.3).
Creating a link without grade pass back
a.) Select "Link to Section".
Note that in some cases, the selection might be made automatically and directed to the next screen.
b.) Select the section link to. Note that the Table of contents can also be selected.
Once a link has been established, this selection cannot be modified.
c.) Once you have successfully completed the linking process, you should see a confirmation.
You can click the "Return to LMS" button to return to your LMS.
When a student clicks on a link, the following occurs:
- We check to see if the student has an account with the email address that the LMS sends.
- If the student has an account we log them in
- If the student does not have an account with that email address yet but is logged into an account with a different email address, we inform the student and ask if they would like us to merge the accounts
- If the student does not have an account and is not logged in, a new account is created and the student is logged into that account. The student is sent an email with a password in case they ever want to log into zyBooks directly.
- We check to see if the student is subscribed to the zyBook yet
- If the student is not subscribed, they are taken to the subscribe page to complete their subscription.
- If the student is subscribed, they are taken to the first section in the assignment or section that was linked to.
To learn more about how student scores are sent to the grade book, review the article, How does Assignment auto-submission work?
Instructions for students
1. Click any zyBooks link in Canvas/Moodle/Brightspace/Sakai/Blackboard.
2. Verify your email address.
3. Subscribe.
Students should be instructed to click on any of the LTI links created in the previous steps.
The first time a student clicks an LTI link, they will be sent an email asking them to verify their email address.
Once their email address has been verified, anytime a student clicks a link they will be automatically logged into a zyBooks account using the email address that the LMS provides.
If the student is not subscribed they will be taken to the "Subscribe page" where they can complete the subscription process.
If the student is subscribed, they will either be taken to the section that was linked to, or the first section in the assignment that was linked to.