Before proceeding, note that integrating with a Learning Management System (LMS) is not required when using zyBooks.
For these reasons, many instructors have happily used zyBooks without having to set up and maintain LMS integration. With that said, some instructors indeed desire or need LMS integration. |
- Overview
- Configuring the LTI 1.3 tool/app (for LMS admins)
- Linking to sections or assignments (for Instructors)
- The student experience
zyBooks supports Single-Sign-on and grade passback capabilities via LTI 1.3.
Single-sign-on: Students do not need to go to to create an account, instead the LMS will send us the student's name, email address, and role. We will use this information to either create an account for the student or log them into an existing account. We use the email address to check for existing accounts.
Grade passback: With LTI integration, zyBooks can send assignment scores directly to corresponding assignments in an LMS grade book. This removes the need for downloading a student's completion scores and uploading those scores into the grade book.
To use LTI, an LMS admin will first need to install the tool/app.
Configuring the LTI 1.3 tool/app (for LMS admins)
To use LTI 1.3 please send the following credentials to
- LMS domain/issuer
- LMS client ID and / or Deployment ID
If you are unsure how to obtain these items, please see our LMS specific guides below. Most instructors will NOT be able to add the tool on their own and should send these guides to their LMS admin or IT dept.
Please note that admins can either, install the tool for the entire organization, or for specific course. Instructions for how they can do so are provided in the LMS-specific guides above.
Please also be advised that zyBooks used to support LTI 1.1, however, LTI 1.1 has been deprecated by IMS Global. We will no longer be allowing new LTI 1.1 integrations.
Linking to sections or assignments (for Instructors)
Once the LTI setup has been completed, verified zyBooks instructors may create links through the LTI interface.
You will NOT be able to begin linking until and LMS admin has installed the tool.
To learn how to set up links, please follow along with the guide
How to link a zyBook assignment/section/TOC to an LMS.
The student experience
If you are using SSO please, provide the following instructions to your students:
Accessing your class zyBook: 1. Click on the zyBooks links in your learning management system. 2. Subscribe
Anytime a student clicks ANY LTI link they will be taken to their zyBook.
If they are not subscribed, they will be taken to the subscribe page.
If they are subscribed, they will be taken to the section or assignment that was linked.
We also have these student specific guides that can be shared with students.
- Accessing zyBooks in Canvas
- Accessing zyBooks in Blackboard
- Accessing zyBooks in D2L/Brightspace.
- Accessing zyBooks in Moodle
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