To get started, open your zyBook and navigate to the "My class" tab.
Next, click the orange Manage button at the top.
The Manage button will bring up a new modal called "Manage your class".
The first item under Class Info is called "Teaching assistants". This is where you will add your TAs.
To add a TA, click the "Add a teaching assistant" text button.
Provide the name and email address of the TA, and to specify which permissions this TA should have.
By default, TA's have the permissions "View scores" and "View solutions".
Expanding the "permissions" dropdown provides the option to add or remove permissions.
Permissions include
- View scores
- View solutions
- Edit lab and exercises
- Modify instructor notes
- Modify assignments
- Reorder content
- LTI access
- Modify tests
Once you have added all of the TA's, click "Save" or "Save & Exit".
Upon saving, the TA will receive an email confirmation and a direct link to the material.
If the TA has never used zyBooks before, a new account will be created for them and they will receive a separate email with login credentials.
TA's can also be removed by clicking the trash can icon next to their row. If a TA is removed, they will no longer have any access to the material in the zyBook.