Before reading this article, please note that zyBooks now supports LTI 1.3 for Canvas, Blackboard, and Brightspace/D2L!
If possible, we highly recommend that you consider setting up LTI 1.3 instead of LTI 1.1. When making your decision, please keep in mind that
- LTI 1.1 was deprecated by IMS Global on June 30th 2022 (reference)
- LTI 1.3 is able to provide a more seamless student experience with less room for errors.
To get started with LTI 1.3 please see our help article, LTI 1.3 Configuration
Otherwise, if you would still like to continue with 1.1, please proceed.
Please see our help article Getting started with LTI/Single-Sign-on before proceeding if you have not already done so.
The following article covers how to set up zyBooks as an external tool/ app for
To add this, admin-level LMS privileges may be required.
Click "Settings" and then click "Apps".
Search for "zyBooks" in the search bar. Note: If zyBooks does not show up, your institution has not whitelisted zyBooks. Please refer to the section below about manually adding the tool without a whitelist or ask your LMS admin to whitelist zyBooks.
After selecting zyBooks from the search results, click "+ Add App" and you should see the following form:
Please have your school's Canvas admin reach out to our Support team, support@zybooks.com with the name of your institution to receive the consumer key and shared secret.
Note: If your institution has not added zyBooks to a whitelist, you will need to manually add zyBooks as an external tool.
Click "+ App":
The following form will appear:
Fill out the following fields:
- Configuration Type: Manual Entry
- Name: zyBooks External Tool (or whatever name you prefer)
- Consumer Key and Shared Secret: Please have your school's Canvas admin reach out to our Support team, support@zybooks.com with the name of your institution to receive the consumer key and shared secret.
- Launch URL: https://lti.zybooks.com/v1/lti_provider
- Domain: lti.zybooks.com
- Privacy: Public
Click Submit at the bottom.
First, click on "System Admin" in the top-right corner of the Blackboard page. Once within the Administrator view, click on "Building Blocks". Next, click on "LTI Tool Providers".
Click on "Manage Global Properties" and have the following settings:
- Enabled in Courses: Yes
- Enabled in Organizations: Yes
- Creation of Tool Provider Links: Allow links to any tool provider that isn't explicitly excluded.
- Allow configured tool providers to post grades: Yes
Go back to the LTI Tool Provider page and click on Register Provider Domain. Fill the fields as follows:
- Provider domain: lti.zybooks.com
- Provider Domain Status: Approved
Under the Default configuration section, fill in the fields as follows:
- Default configuration: Set globally
- Tool provider key: Please have your school's Blackboard admin reach out to support@zybooks.com for this
- Tool provider secret: Please have your school's Blackboard admin reach out to support@zybooks.com for this
Note that some LMSs may default to SHA256 for the OAuth Signature. At this time, we support both SHA1 and SHA256.
Under the Institution Policies section, fill in the fields as follows:
- Send User Data: Send user data over any connection
- User fields to send: Role in Course, Name, Email Address
- Show user acknowledgment message: No
Click "Submit" to finish.
Begin by navigating to Course Tools and then select Course Admin.
Click on External Learning Tools.
Note that you can also get to this page by clicking the gear icon and selecting "External Learning Tools"
IMPORTANT: From there select the tab for "Manage Tool Providers" and click "New tool provider".
A common mistake is to work from "Manage External Learning Tool Links" but you must be on "Manage Tool Providers".
A form will appear and several fields will need to be filled out:
- Launchpoint: https://lti.zybooks.com/v1/lti_provider
- Secret (Please have your school's Brightspace admin reach out to support@zybooks.com for this)
- Use custom tool consumer information instead of default should be checked
- Key (Please have your school's Brightspace admin reach out to support@zybooks.com for this)
- Name (We suggest zyBooks)
- Ensure that all security settings are checked
Note that some LMSs may default to SHA256 for the OAuth Signature. At this time, we support both SHA1 and SHA256.
Clicking on "Add Org Units" will show a list of courses that you can add this newly configured external tool to.
Click "Save and close" once you are done configuring.
First, go to "Site administration" on the menu on the left-hand side.
On the "Site administration" page, click "Plugins".
Click "configure a tool manually".
A form should appear. The first section of the form is labeled "Tool settings".
- Fill out the "Tool name" for the zyBooks external tool
- The Tool URL is https://lti.zybooks.com/v1/lti_provider
- Fill out the consumer key and secret (please have your school's Moodle admin reach out to support@zybooks.com for this)
- For "Tool configuration usage", choose "Show as preconfigured tool when adding an external tool"
Next, fill out the "Privacy" section of the form
- Set "Share launcher's name with tool" to "Always"
- Set "Share launcher's email with tool" to "Always"
- Set "Accept grades from the tool" to "Always"
Click "Save changes" to complete the form.
First, go to "Site info" on the menu on the left-hand side.
In the "Installed Tools" tab of the "Site info" page, click "Install LTI 1.x Tool"
Next, add the necessary information
- Tool Title
- Button Text
- Launch URL (https://lti.zybooks.com/v1/lti_provider)
- Launch Secret*
- Launch Key*
*For launch secret and key please email support@zybooks.com
For the additional setting please enable the following
- Send User Names to External Tool
- Send Email Addresses to External Tool
- Allow External Tool to return grades
- Allow External Tool to create grade columns
- The tool URL can receive an LTI launch
- Allow the tool to selected from Lessons
- Allow the tool to be one of the assignment types
Finally, click "Save" at the bottom of the form.