Getting started
Your account
Payment information
- Payment: Cost, financial aid, refunds, discounts, and more
- Does zyBooks offer temporary subscriptions?
- How much do zyBooks cost?
- How can I subscribe if I don't have a credit card?
- Credit card / payment issues
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Discounts and refund policies
Working on activities
- Why can't I see my previous answers to the activities?
- What should I do if an activity or equation doesn't load properly?
- How to use Advanced zyLabs in your zyBook
- Using VSC in Your Advanced zyLabs
- Why am I not receiving credit for my work?
- Why can't my instructor see my activity?
Submitting Assignments
- What are assignments, how do I get credit for them and how do I submit them?
- How do I get points for an assignment
- How to access zyBooks through Canvas and submit assignments
- How to access zyBooks through D2L/Brightspace and submit assignments
- How to access zyBooks through Blackboard and submit assignments
- How to access zyBooks through Moodle and submit assignments