NOTE: This article is Step 1 of the main article, How to link a zyBook assignment/section/TOC to an LMS.
Creating a link in Moodle
1. If necessary, in the top right corner, toggle the Edit mode switch to on. Editing may already have been turned on in a previous session.
2. Click the "Add an activity or resource" button on a module and then choose to add an "External tool".
Note: If you are not seeing "zyBooks" listed there, double-check that the zyBooks tool is toggled in the LTI External tools page.
Alternatively, some Moodle configurations also allow you to select an External Tool instead and then "zyBooks" in the Preconfigured tool dropdown.
If you do not see "zyBooks" listed in either of these areas, please refer to our guides on installing the LTI tools:
3. Fill out the "Activity name" field.
4. Optionally, if you plan on linking to a zyBooks assignment, make sure the Maximum grade is set to a non-zero value.
5. At the bottom, click "Save and return to course".
6. After saving, go to step 2, Configure the link to a zyBook assignment.